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Old 07-31-2010, 11:46 AM   #18
Mr B
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Default Re: Illusione Epernay

Originally Posted by jonumberone View Post
Finished mine about an hour or so ago and I smoked along with the review.

I found that parts of my smoke were dead on with your review!

Tons of Creamy velvet smoke, flawless draw, cool temperature, and woodsy notes throughout.

Where my smoke differed seems to be in the first half.
I didn't get any Graham cracker, sweet honey, buttery goodness out of mine.
This could be my noob palate, but I was looking hard for any other flavors.

You Listed the spice level as mild and unpronounced. In mine it was nonexistant.
This cigar just fell flat to me. I felt like I should grab it with two hands, and draw as hard as I could to get something more from it.

All said though it wasn't a bad smoke. I didn't get any flavors that I didn't like. I just felt like something was missing.
If I would've gotten the sweetness that you did in the first half, it may have changed the whole thing around

I have a few more and a Line sampler. I will try another size and come back to try another Le Petite after a little more rest. (and practice)

Thanks again for the review.
Smoking the stick while following along helped open my eyes to some things.
Try & get hold of a Le Elegance. The even smaller RG makes for a slightly med and more flavorful stick in the Epernays.
Infact, P.M. me your address. I will send ya one to try.

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