Originally Posted by wayner123
Maybe it's just me, but I can't get over the statement in bold. To me debt is what is ruining this country and has ruined many lives and families. No cigar is worth going in debt over. If you can't afford it, then don't spend it. Maybe you will be at a point in life when this is not an issue. And maybe that day is only a few paychecks away. So just wait. Nothing against you personally, and I hope you take this as genuine concern.
+1. I realized a couple years ago that credit cards are bad. Especially for "hobbies". I must've put 2K on one of my cards within a few months on detailing stuff. Now it all sits in my laundry room, and I had to pay interest on it.
Now anything I buy that's "hobby" related, it's cash only.
Plus, you won't really be able to enjoy those cigars. Every time you light one up, you get to ponder for an hour on how you screwed yourself by buying them. I love the reflection time while I'm smoking. I wouldn't want that to be tainted by regretting the purchase of the very cigar that I'm smoking.