Originally Posted by The Poet
Congratulations to him. He should learn a lot from Woody Durham, who has to be one of the best radio broadcasters of college sports in the country.
Tell your boy to call it fair, and don't be a damn "homer" . . . we Tar Heels don't like that crap, one danged bit.
You have to have a little sense about how you report on a school that pays you to do the job but, even in Knoxville, he would ask Phillip Fulmer questions some folks layed off. Being honest works with most AD's (if not the coaches) and being a simpering apologetic suck-up doesn't work with fans. Good broadcasters can slide neatly down that razorblade, I guess.
Woody Durham is a class act. The best that ever was - Ernie Harwell (Detroit Tigers) - was only a hair above Woody in my book.