Thread: Buried cigars?
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Old 07-29-2010, 10:39 AM   #84
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Default Re: Buried cigars?



I picked up the 8" dia. PVC pipe yesterday. It has a cap glued on one end and a slip on cap for the top. I will later fix a lock through the top lid.
The hole is dug and the pipe is now in place. I will post photos soon. I have 60 cigars coming today via UPS. I also received my RH beads today from
Question: Should I adjust my beads from 65 to 70 percent humidity?
I know I need to let them set in my caddys for a couple of weeks first, but should I adjust them if up to 70* or leave them where they are (assuming they are between 65 and 70).
I have two 15 and one 10 cigar caddys that I will "put in the hole" and connect to a hook at the top of the pipe with heavy strings. I'll number the caddys and keep an inventory of what's in which box.
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