Re: Starcraft 2
Not a master, just an experience SC1 player from back in the day. Tips are simple:
The most important skill is being able to transition. You might have a great strategy to tech all the way down to Vikings and start air/ground assaulting your opponent but as soon as they leave the base you get a nydus worm up the butt and your base is flooded with speedlings. Or when the Vikings get to your opp base, he has TONS of AA defense and you can't break it. The transition to the new strat is the hardest and most important skill to work on.
As for my strats, I usually stick to Marines and Marauders for Terrans, for Protoss I usually try a cannon rush (building photons in the back of their base unbeknownst to them) and then transition to Void Rays, and for Zerg the best way to win is to learn to build your first set of 'lings as fast a humanly possible. A 6pool (only 6 drones and then a spawning pool) sets you back SIGNIFICANTLY in the post rush phase, but is the fastest, a 12pool is pretty standard for longer games, and for me I usually do an 8pool, two waves of 'lings and then transition to roaches through a Nydus tunnel.
At the most competitive levels, SC is all about two things, minute timing and "micro" which is being able to selectively control each unit as a standalone and make the most use out of them. I am not great at either.