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Old 07-28-2010, 03:33 PM   #23
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: I don't understand this..

Originally Posted by Mugen910 View Post
But he's got a dealership though. We found this out after the fact so I don't think that is the worry for him. I'm starting to think (worst case) he just wants to keep his name off it and resell it so that there is no liability on his part if something goes wrong.
There is more to it than that.
If it was a warranty issue, all he would need to do is sell it "as is".
That would protect him.

I think he is trying to sell a car without ever showing up as having had the car. As such, whatever he sells the car for, goes under the table. Also, not liable for taxes. His not registering it is not her fault. Her not having an agreement is generally not an issue as the title normally provides evidence of interest in the property. Her not getting a copy of the title signed by him would not necessarily ease her worries. What would that prove? That she sold it? It can be argued anyone can do that. Can't she be someone alleging she sold it, show a copy of the title yet end up being the one that signed both names to allege she sold it?

There is possibility the vehicle could be intended to file fraudulent bodily injury claims. They can use it to allegedly have had four passengers who were injured as result of a staged loss with another vehicle and make claims against the other vehicle's carrier. Many more schemes out there than just this one.

If that vehicle is to be put on the road, it will have to be registered. If it is registered, it will have to be titled to the registrant. In between, doubt it will be on the road to cause her concern. However, I am sure all this can vary by state. I wouldn't lose sleep over it though.

I am not an attorney but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Select.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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