Originally Posted by mariogolbee

I've got 2610, you're 60 days up on me Scott!(Not that it's a race, more like a marathon.) I have to rework my relationship with God. I've been in a bit of a funk for the last couple of weeks. And I haven't given my best effort to God for about a year now. God's taken care of me, now it's time to remember to actively give thanks. I think I'll put up a sig line now.
I fall far short on a good effort all the time, Mario. It's a good thing He doesn't hold it against me.

Being as I used the word "good" twice, it reminded me of this...
"Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. Luke 18:19-20 NKJV"
That leaves little argument about how short I fall from God, but I can still bust my ass to head in the right direction every single day.
You can still win the marathon, I just gotta die first. I just bought a motorcycle, so the odds are in your favor.