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Old 07-27-2010, 10:00 AM   #19
The Nightman Cometh...
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Default Re: 5 Vegas Gold Maduro?

Originally Posted by T.G View Post
Hey guys...

....keep in mind that the Serie A and the Gold Maduro are from completely different blenders and factories.

The Gold and Gold Maduro are from Nestor Plasencia, made in his Honduran and Nicaraguan factories respectively. The Serie A is from Toarano (not to be confused with the Triple-A "AAA" which is from AJ Fernandez.)

Don't count on similarities between the Serie A and the Gold Maduro just because they both have dark wrappers. Just because one is great, doesn't mean the others will be. Or they might both be great to you.
Good to know...I didn't know all 3 were from different blenders and factories.

Originally Posted by Ogre3239 View Post
It is a great stick if you like lighter cigars. To me it would be great for a morning cigar with a cup of coffee.
I've really liked the gold with a bright morning blend style of coffee. If I go with a darker, fuller bodied coffee I've noticed you can't even taste the 5 Vegas Gold...a maduro would hopefully fix that.
I hope you brought a change of clothes because your eyes are about to piss tears.
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