Re: First Firearm Thread.
My everyday carry is the S&W Airweight 642 revolver with Crimson trace.
It fits perfectly in a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster in the cargo shorts I normally wear and you don't even notice it's there.
I keep Speer Gold dots short barrel rounds in it and feel very confident in its stopping power although I pray I never truly find out.
Sure a Glock carries more rounds but for my skinny frame it's too big to propery conceal and I live by the theory if I need more than 5 shots, I'm probably not making it home for dinner.
Had a Taurus 357 and found it painful to pracice with and tried a Kel Tec P11, which in my opinion is the biggest piece of junk gun in the world.
The fact that Taurus is made in Brazil should have made me run but my first divorce after 2 years to a Brazilian woman didn't stop me from marrying another one 7 years later. I'm a slow learner.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane"
Last edited by floydpink; 07-26-2010 at 09:23 PM.