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Old 07-26-2010, 08:32 PM   #1578
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by JE3146 View Post
My only logic is if we're talking 26 to 30 ounces, I'd just rather go with a G29 which preserves my muscle memory comparable to a G19. Which a Glock isn't going have an issue with dirt, dust, grime or water. That and 10mm is no slouch.

Kind of interesting though that the J frames fill a niche market with no other competition.

The Taurus Judge sounds interesting, but I refuse to support that company with my dollars.
No doubt or debate, the Glock is a great weapon, I don't need to be convinced of that. For some carry situations, I think a revolver, even though you give up a few rounds and maybe some weight, might be a better choice. Not even the Glock is infallible. Yes, a revolver a very old concept in the design. But, it frickin' works. It's simple, reliable and rugged. Fast, no. Sometimes though, simple and reliable trump magazine capacities and speed fire.

Off the top of my head, I think a S&W 640 Centennial .357 magnum weighs 32oz.

I could get under the 30oz limit by going to a 642 airweight, but, IIRC, .38+P is as much as it will handle per the manufacturer.

While one of them exceeds your weight restrictions, the other falls slightly short of your power demands, I would not have a problem with either of those for myself. I would not have a problem with their senior counterpart bodyguard models either, but I can't personally see where I would need single-action capability for this situation.

There are a few other .45/.410 revolvers on the market, The Judge just happens to be the most readily available. I haven't spent much time looking into them since they're illegal in the state I live in, maybe a local gunstore can help you with some of the other manufacturers.
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