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Old 07-26-2010, 05:35 PM   #1575
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Default Re: First Firearm Thread.

Originally Posted by Diesel Kinevel View Post
Well, what are you using now? Most weapons can be concealed (yes even the full sized variety). Usually all it takes is a good holster. Crossbreed makes one helluva holster for most weapons carried. Also what caliber are you looking for? I would use no less than 9mm.

I've carried full-size concealed before, its not that I dislike it, I'm just going for something smaller on while on the motorcycle. I have plenty of holsters but I actually just bought a Lil Joes Motorcycle Vest with the built in gun pocket inside the vest. It holds my full size weapons fine but again I'm looking for something a bit smaller.

I've carried a S&W Model 60-15 .357 Mag, I've carried the Glock 26 and a Ruger P90. Not horribly excited w/ the S&W, I used Glock for a decent amount of time at work so I try to stay away from them when I'm able and the full size Ruger was just too big.

Originally Posted by JE3146 View Post
Avoid anything with the name Ruger on it... period.

Not based on quality, but principle.

What's the thoughts behind that Jordan?
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