I obsessed the purchase of mine to a maddening point and learned a few things.
1. Every salesman will say there's is the best and has features no other company has. (can't blame them)
2. The lounger seat is popular with some, but rarely used by most.
3. The cover and lifter can not be skimped on and will play a huge role in you enjoyment.
4. Dichlor is for pools and bromine is for spas. Don't let anyone tell you different. Hotwater maintainance isn't hard but important.
5. Wet test, in other words, sit in the tub before you buy it and try it out. If the dealer won't let you, go somewhere else.
Almost any doctor or chiroprator can be talked into giving you a prescription for a spa for a variety of ailments and if they do, there is no sales tax and the purchase is a tax deduction.
For me, there were a lot of spas worth considering but the only two worth buying are either a Hotspring or Jacuzzi. I picked Jacuzzi and love the thing.
Jacuzzi is to spas as Q-tips are to ear swabs or Kleenex is to tissues. They invented the things before your grandparents were born so they have it figured out.
Many will tell you their grandma has a Joes Jammin Jacuzzi lookalike and they have 10,000 jets and are the best, so make sure you check up on the brand before buying. What is inside is as important as what is outside.
They all have lots of options and for me, the stereo and led lighting were ones I wanted and am glad I got.
Happy soaking. Smoking a cigar in my spa with the music and lights on is one of my life's greatest pleasures.