Originally Posted by bsmokin
thanks guys! I'm bummed to find out its mold and Im very worried about putting these in my fridgador for this reason!!!!  This is from a full box, but this seems to be the only one with a problem...
Any time I get traces of mold like that on sticks, I wipe 'em down lightly with a paper towel dipped in alcohol. (Takes away the mold, and I figure the alcohol will kill any other spores.) After that, just treat 'em like any other stick.
On mold, I did some research on the stuff years ago (after an outbreak at my parents' house), and I read that mold spores are prevalent enough that you can regard
everything as having spores on it. The trick is to not let the conditions develop for them to take root and turn into mold. And if you keep your humidor/storage container properly regulated for temperature and humidity, mold shouldn't be an issue.