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Old 07-23-2010, 03:33 PM   #10
E-Tx Surveyor
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Default Re: Gurkha Ad on the Radio

They're marketing campaign works, as a new smoker I was intrigued by Gurkha's and bought several, and thought a few of them were good smokes.

I believe they are not only trying to market to new smokers but also to the elitist types. Their is so much marketing saying they are super premium cigars that are only suited for the most avid cigar smoker when you say you enjoy a Gurkha everyday you sound important and all knowing to the people that have no clue.

Like I said though, I've enjoyed a few of them and I believe their campaign works. I was told once before to "Smoke what you enjoy, and enjoy what you smoke." I think that fits here as well.

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