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Old 07-23-2010, 12:12 AM   #9
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Default Re: Death of the wooden humi

Thanks for the responses guys. But let me rephrase my question a little because I guess my real inquiry is how much do you guys care about having spanish cedar lining. Say an aristocrat comes out that has a vino lining and would allow you to set the exact temp you wanted. Basically a big aristocrat that looked beautiful, yet wasnt lined with spanish cedar. You save say, half the price by goin this route. Do you go this way or do you go with spanish cedar bc you like the smell of the cedar, the look of the cedar, and just overall feel that its best.

I guess I am askin this bc I was wonderin why companies havent started comin out with nice cabinets and other nice lookin humidors that are plastic lined, thus holding better seals and savin money. Maybe companies feel that there isnt really a demand for this kind of product. I guess companies maybe see it as the people who would want beautiful cabinets are also gonna want the look and smell of a spanish cedar lined cabinet and arent as concerned about the cost, whereas a person who wouldnt care would probably rather just save the money by simply using coolers and whatnot and spend the money on cigars instead.

IDK, just a random thought I guess.
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