Originally Posted by bobarian
Too small IMHO. You are better off getting a 48qt cooler from WalMart. By the time you add 3-4 drawers at $30/ea, you are well over $200 and you still need beads. If you are worried about temps just freeze everything for 3-4 days then put them in the cooler.  Most domestic distributors already freeze their cigars at the factory or after they enter the country.
A cooler is an option, but I have little storage space for something as large as that, and I buy a LOT of 5-ers and singles/samplers, and pretty much no boxes, so a cooler isn't practical for me yet, though I know about using tupperware and whatnot in lieu of drawers.
Really and truly, I'd like something nice-looking and fancy as well as functional, and the artist in me almost detests the thought of coolers. I know, I know, terrible and impractical thinking, and certainly a little snobby, but I can't get past it. For me, large capacity means either cabinet, wineador or walk-in