Originally Posted by lightning9191
I've done some travel alone in the US and in foreign lands. Don't look like a tourist. Walk like you know where you are going and don't be afraid to get a little lost. These little adventures can get you places that most people don't see. Don't be afraid to talk to people. I've talked to many interesting folks just by chatting them up. Ask them what they would recommend you see while there. Learn what you can before you get there. Have fun and safe travels!
I hope dressing super warm wont make me look like a tourist! I'll probably be the coldest SOB there! the coldest I've felt is 65degrees, and that was SOO long ago heh.
I'm usually a shy person at first, looks like this will be the perfect time to cut that out of my life
Originally Posted by Mark C
Make sure you know the airline rules. No carry-on liquids (toothpaste, shampoo, etc. can be carried on if less than 3 oz), no lighters, nothing sharp and pointy, and don't use the word 'bomb' on the airplane. Before you get to security, empty your pockets into your carry-on bag, and if you're bringing a laptop, make sure it's accessible since you'll have to take it out of your bag. I imagine that's a fairly long flight, don't forget your iPod/headphones, and bring some snacks. Check the weather in your destination before you leave, and pack appropriately, bring a jacket or something in your carryon so you don't have to dig through your checked bags when you get to Seattle.
Ah yes, I was hoping someone would post soemting like this. Good call on the bottles, I was actually planning on bringing a nearly full bottle of shampoo!
Will I have to turn my laptop on? I'm bringing 2, one is mine, one for my cousin from his mom who's down here.
Ipod with earphones - check
It's kinda cold here now so I'll be bringing my jacket along. Forcast looks like some rain in the middle of the week, I hope it's wrong though. Cold = not too bad, Really Cold = still not too bad, Any amount of cold + rain = shitty deals. lol
Originally Posted by floydpink
I travelled through South America alone including places like Medellin Colombia and found that if you don't dress flashy and become intoxicated in public or generally act like a jerk, you have a good chance of surviving and even making some friends on the way. 
haha I actually opted to bring the less loud jackets with me, so good tip on that one, I don't want to stand out too much. I'm a nice guy so acting like a jerk shouldn't be a problem

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator
I visited Seattle for the first time last year with my wife. We had a great time. The chowder at Ivar's is killer!!!
The only negative that happened to us was we were on the south end of town in the Oriental part for dinner. After we were done eating we were walking back to our car, which was quite a way, and a tough looking guy told us be had better get out of that part of town before dark. I carry a gun normally, but didn't have it with me as we were traveling to Canada as well. Made me wish I had it with me.
I've been hearing the chowders and soups here are a lot better than most other places, should be good for me since I'll be freezing my ass off.
Sucks about that incounter, I'm glad you guys made it out of there safely. What really sucks is that people have to warn you about places, we can't we just be free to rome around and not have to worry about our safety and well being.