Re: iphone 4 just announced.
I know 6 friends who personally own an iPhone 4 (including my wife), probably 2 dozen friends online (from iphone apps, games, etc), 3-4 customers at work, and the 3 employees working at Best Buy Mobile yesterday when I went to purchase the wife's iPhone 4.
I've asked every single one of these people since the release of the iPhone 4 if they have had any problems making phone calls or notice bad signal strength when on the phone. Know how many people said yes? ZERO
And do you know why? Because all of the people running around complaining about how bad the phone is online and in real life, DON'T OWN THE iPHONE 4!!! Seriously! Listen to someone rant about this antenna problem with the phone, and then ask if they personally own one and if they are speaking from first-hand experience. I'd bet ya a fiver that 9/10 would say no.
If this was a huge problem across the board I think we would all be pretty pissed off that we spent $200-$700 on a phone that can't make calls! I am perfectly happy with Apple's decision today, my wife will get a free phone cover and her phone will CONTINUE to work just fine, like it did today and the day before.
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." – Robert A. Heinlein
Last edited by white_s2k; 07-16-2010 at 07:39 PM.