Originally Posted by mithrilG60
Nope, just a unit that works as advertised and promoted. Just look at it this way, if Dell/HP/Acer/etc sold a laptop model that had a defective wireless nic that lost signal when you touched the laptop case.... would you be happy with a cover that prevented you from touching the case or would you expect the laptop to be replaced with updated hardware that wasn't defective? The iPhone4 and Apple are no different and don't get different rules just because it's an iPhone made by Apple.
I just think there is a big difference between what you call a 'defect' and what is truly a 'design' that you don't agree with. The fact that you can return it for a full refund is enough, such that you can go get one that has a design that you prefer.
If a small percentage (<1%) of people experienced the laptop issue you describe, and millions more did not experience it, would you demand that Dell/HP/Acer design a new one that met your expectations? What if you demanded a new design, and Apple simply designed a new piece of hardware that has a 'bumper' built in (similar to ALL other smart phones on the market), would that be deferent enough than putting a bumper on it yourself?
I understand that if you bought something that ends up being different than you expected, based on their advertising, then you should be able to return it. You can do that.