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Old 07-13-2010, 09:53 PM   #23
Jordan #2
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Default Re: Any interest in a BlackBerry Cigar application?

Originally Posted by KenS View Post

As you probably know, I am the author of Mobile Stogie for the iPhone. I've had quite a few emails asking for a blackberry version, so I know there is demand out there. I have considered porting to Android, but don't really have the time to do so. As for iPhones for business professionals, as of today Mobile Stogie has sold 4,266 copies, so there is demand there as well

Although I'm not willing to "give away" the code to Mobile Stogie, I would be happy to offer feedback as you go through the development of your app, in terms of things that I've learned, how I connect to the online database, etc. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to discuss things with another developer.

I think it's great to see somebody tackling the app for blackberry and wish you the best of luck
Much appreciated

Honestly that alleviates a lot of worry for me, as I didn't want to offend, but I knew the platform desperately needed something. Luckily Android is Java as well, so it's an easy(relatively speaking) port once you get past the API differences.
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