Originally Posted by TheRiddick
I'd LOVE to see someone like Lee suing LeBron for chances missed. Lee wanted to stay in NY area and Nets were looking at him, but everything was predicated on LeBron's "decision", which we know now was decided LONG AGO.
The league can and should step in with no uncertainty, limited cap room and no first round picks for the duration of the contracts LeBron, Wade and Bosh signed. Six years. Telling others that in future if they want to play same game, they can expect to stagnate for the duration of their scheme. This is not just tampering, but with 2 different players at the same time with the GM coordinating for months.
What's the media saying about this? I haven't really heard a whole lot about this.
I'm going to assume that the media, i.e. espn, hasn't said anything about this