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Old 11-28-2008, 10:26 PM   #5
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Default Re: Traveling tips for a first lone traveler?

Seattle is about the friendliest city on the planet. Don't do anything stupid after dark, be sure to ask at the hotel about areas to avoid. Do see the aquarium, Pike Place Market, Pioneer Square, take the underground tour. Don't pay to get to the top of the Space Needle - it isn't worth a fraction of what they charge. The city is very pedestrian friendly and has a decent bus service. Asking strangers questions is a Seattle trademark and you'll get plenty of conversation out of it.

What you will find is many, many restaurants. Be adventurous, try something new.

Also, PM fishbeadtwo about getting together for a herf or two with the Smokey Joe's crowd. Hard to find a better group anywhere.

I lived there for 5 years and still visit frequently (I'm 3 hours away in Portland). Depending on the timing, I may be able to come up for a herf.
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