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Old 07-08-2010, 01:35 PM   #8
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Default Re: E-mailing resume's? (gen. resume' ?'s)

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz View Post
I would recommend hard copy w/ cover letter in a NEATLY hand addressed flat envelope. Send to the attention of the hiring manager, not HR.

Call HR and find out which format they prefer receiving their resumes. Many companies use "robots" to look for keywords on electronic resumes. If they want an electronic copy, make a second resume specifically for that purpose with keywords that are job appropriate.

Once youve done that, find out the address for the hiring manager and mail a copy of your hard copy resume in a stationary matching large 8.5x11 envelope. Make sure your cover letter is specific to that job, and triple check the details like the name of the manager etc.

Good luck!

"One fart can foul the air for everyone" - Esteemed philosopher
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