Originally Posted by T.G
I think I know exactly what flavor you are talking about, but I've only experienced it with some very old tubed Zino golds that I had, they had sat in their vented tube with cedar wrap for so long before smoking, they literally taste the way a cedar plank smells when you grill with it. Dry cedar, wood, slightly floral and a hint of tobacco.
Not sure I have a definite answer for you though, besides a lower humidity to slow down the aroma release a bit. Oh, and smoke more.
You could add an open box of baking soda to the humidor, or some activated charcoal to absorb some odors.
Thanks T.G. You are really close on the taste...more on the aftertaste. It is a woodsy taste...a bit sour like citrus (maybe)...there are floral notes...and a hint of tobacco. I thought it might just have been the sticks, but all the sticks have this flavor.
You are not the first to suggest that I smoke more.

Thank you again.