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Old 07-06-2010, 01:58 PM   #25
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Default Re: Prince: The Internet is dead

Originally Posted by icantbejon View Post
I always find this opinion ammusing. My wife shares your sentiments. I tend to disagree...for the most part. If Britney Spears starts babbling about world peace...I'm going to tune out and look at her (o)(o)s. However, when a guy like Bono, from U2, starts talking world peace, I believe its a mistake to not listen. He's invested decades into pushing for peace. He knows his information better than a lot of politicians I would suspect (i.e. Palin and her "foreign policy" experience w/ Russia....scary). Furthermore...just think a few decades ago when music was so politically driven. The 60's and 70's are saturated with policitally motivated music. Just because a person chooses an outlet such as entertainment, I don't believe that should discredit them from an opinion. If they take the time to research the subject, I believe that makes them an outstanding spokesperson because they have mass appeal.

What's so amusing?

We just basically said the exact same thing.

If the person is qualified to give an opinion, then great, if not, it's of no value.

Most of them aren't qualified though.
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