Originally Posted by T.G
Might help if I clarified that I don't don't give a **** what they think, in fact, it would really be nice if they'd just lean to STFU and do what they are being paid to do - entertain. If I want an opinion on something other than music, I'll get it from someone qualified in that field.
I always find this opinion ammusing. My wife shares your sentiments. I tend to disagree...for the most part. If Britney Spears starts babbling about world peace...I'm going to tune out and look at her (o)(o)s. However, when a guy like Bono, from U2, starts talking world peace, I believe its a mistake to not listen. He's invested decades into pushing for peace. He knows his information better than a lot of politicians I would suspect (i.e. Palin and her "foreign policy" experience w/ Russia....scary). Furthermore...just think a few decades ago when music was so politically driven. The 60's and 70's are saturated with policitally motivated music. Just because a person chooses an outlet such as entertainment, I don't believe that should discredit them from an opinion. If they take the time to research the subject, I believe that makes them an outstanding spokesperson because they have mass appeal.