Originally Posted by markem
The music industry might be embracing digital and online technology, but Prince is not convinced that it’s a good thing.
"The Internet's completely over,” Prince told British tabloid publication, in his first newspaper interview in 10 years. “I don't see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won't pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can't get it.”
Full article here: http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2010/07...s-dead/?hpt=T2
Sounds an awful lot like Ken Olsen's pronouncement of 1977: There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home. Note that DEC no longer exists, but we have computers in the home. 
Prince is kind of an odd person. Musically, he's a freaking genius, and while is is a bit off center, he's usually much better spoken than what was presented in that blog. I'd suspect there is more to his statements than was presented. I don't recall him being much of the type to just go off that like that without some reason.
And even if he was, I care about his internet predictions about as much as I care about what any musical artist has to say about something other than music.
Originally Posted by poker
Nah. IIRC, that whole symbol thing was due to the label owning the rights to the stage name "Prince" and when he split from his old record label (MCA?), there was a lawsuit over if he could use the name, and while I don't remember if it was by settlement or legal judgement, but eventually he was awarded the rights to the name over a decade ago.