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Old 07-04-2010, 01:08 AM   #1
Corona Cigars
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Default Gauging interest for MW2 tourny for PS3

I would like to hit a minimum of 16 players if we have that many on the PS3 to start a tournament. It'll be the first run and will be very formal as to not have so many complaints and to have things fair. No prize is awarded this time around, but if everyone likes it we can do more later. If you would like to play just put your name on the list. Everyone will post their k:d ratio so everyone knows the skill level of other players. Team captains will be selected at random and players will be drafted by said captains, no trading. For this tournament it will be a double elimination format best of 3 games. Each format will have a default time limit and score limit that I will post later and there will be no nukes for players like me =D. Each team will have the choice of what format (Team Deathmatch, Sabotage, Search and Destroy etc.) with the 3rd game being a forced Team Deathmatch. Maps will be chosen at random the night before. There is no joining after the first minute of play so you will have to play man down, unless the other captain agrees

I'm hoping to have 4v4 with a substitute for each team, if a player can't play or if you want to switch during the second game. It may seem a lot and very complicated, but I promise it isn't as bad as you think. If there are PC players or Xbox players who want to start one as well feel free, if you need help or advice shoot me a pm, I've played competitively before so I've had experience.

1. ucubed
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