Thread: Crushed.
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Old 07-02-2010, 06:35 PM   #40
Just Bored Really...
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Default Re: Crushed.

My gf of 2yrs broke up with me a month ago. There's two wys to get through it (I've had plenty of break ups lol).

Jerk move but fastest healing: Think of a break up as putting down your old dog. Now it's time to go find a puppy to help you forget. I recommend a higher class pet store (fine establishment with cocktails) not a pound with rescue puppies (club).

Less than jerk move: Keep talking to her which will cause you to hurt longer.

Good guy move: Smoke some cigars, get back in touch with friends you've drifted apart from in the last few years, smokes some cigars and drink some scotch.
"Not a Headache in a Hogshead"
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