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Old 07-01-2010, 02:35 PM   #527
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Default Re: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2

Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty View Post
Yep. Personally I don't care if you camp, I don't see the fun in it, but it does make it easier for me to find you
Its fun to watch people get their heads popped off while they look for you. I don't think running around just to get shot in the face is fun. Its fun to hear people complain after they lose about campers, if they win, they never complain. Odd. I like winning by 30 kills, thats fun. We were pitching a shut out one day on Terminal to 4000 points until we got a 6th added, we only won 7000 to 1600 though. Now noob tubing, thats fun.
If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then how come they're made of meat?
You can never have too many cigars, they are like an investment in good times.
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