Thread: A Celebration!
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Old 06-29-2010, 09:43 PM   #1
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Default A Celebration!

So, for the last 6 months I have had a less-than-stellar job. I've talked to truck drivers on the phone all day. I dealt with the same things that anyone who works in a call center deals with. Getting yelled at, called every name in the book, etc. for $9 an hour is really not worth it.

BUT - today was my LAST DAY! Tomorrow, I start my job in the treasury department using my recently attained degrees (Accounting and Finance). Because of this tonight...was a special night

A Bolivar Cofradia Maduro...and some Glen Fiddich 30. The Glen Fiddich 30 was a birthday/X-mas gift from my father.

Tonight celebrated the end of many things (a job, college, various health things) and the start of some new as well. Cheers, everyone.
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