Originally Posted by Chinogobraap
Ok I'm just about to put in my order for 2LB of HCM beads and I was just wondering about something. I noticed on the heartfelt site that you can purchase the beads without containers, just on their own. I can't seem to find that on the shilala beads site. I know I can just cut them out of the bag if i wanted to or are they designed a certain way to work better in those bags?
One last thing the site recommends doubling the weight it recommends is there really a need?
Thanks again in advance.
They're designed to work in the bags they're made in.
The fabric is very sheer and durable for the best possible air transfer. The bags are just the right size to take full advantage of the bead's properties, and allow maximum exposure per volume of beads.
Another infoid is that the beads are tiny. Take them out of the bags and they will be all over your world.
Most everyone always uses two times the amount of beads necessary. I use three or four times what's necessary cause I'm mental. It's kinda like how we buy way more cigars than we'll ever smoke.

In the case of any beads, more can't hurt, and the more you have the quicker the recovery time will be in your humi.
If you use the same surface area amount of Michael's beads as opposed to any other media, they will bring a humi back to the desired RH over 800% faster than any otherstuff.
If you take them out of the bags and put them in bowls and things like that, you're just screwing yourself over. Unless you dump them on cookie sheets in your humidor. That'd be better.

It's another math-laden thing as to how beads work, but that's the short of it. "Don't take them out of the bags" is a really good suggestion.