Originally Posted by The Professor
I don't think they'll do it. Apple's move in recent years has been *away* from bright, flashy things and *toward* minimalist, industrial design. They did the flashy colors years ago with the iMac ... and then they stopped. Their push has been to do a few things and do them well -- don't overwhelm the consumers with too many choices at the top level; just offer a few models make them well.
I was surprised, honestly, to see so many options with the bumpers since they've basically left the colorful accessory market up to 3rd parties.
Anyway, I could be wrong about all that. Based on everything I've seen, though (recently and going all the way back to Steve Jobs's return to the company), I can't see them going beyond black, white, and metal (aluminum and stainless steel, for the time being).
PS, and I think there's going to be an iOS 4.0.1 update on Monday or Tuesday at the latest, which will fix the antenna and possibly the proximity sensor sensitivity (I face-dialed someone yesterday when the phone angled away from my ear). Appleinsider has a story about the software fix: http://www.appleinsider.com/articles..._ios_4_01.html
You oughta see the ipods, Dokk. The innovation has really slipped since they added umpteen colors. They even make special colors for special causes.
Apple cycles. Right now they have all their minds on the ipad and the iphone 4. Now that they're loosed up, I expect they'll roll out tons of these ideas in ipod. Ipod touch is due for an update, too. Facetime and OS 4.0 will be huge on the touch. It'd sell a billion units. Any kid worth their salt has a touch, and if they aren't carrying one, they want one.
At second thought, Facetime might be a little scary with ipod touch with all the issues about kids getting sexy over broadband. It'd probably meet a lot of controversy, so they may stay away from camera-ing up the touch. Jobs has been in love with colors since the Mac. I think he likes colors even more cause Gates made foolish of him for it. He said something like "So Purple is an innovation in computing?"
iPhone is so hot right now that I can't see colors real soon, but I'd bet on it for the next rollout. The design allows for it now, it didn't before. Even if it doesn't happen, it's had to be on their minds when they went with the like front and back.
I'd totally rock a dark red 4Gs.