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Old 06-26-2010, 08:17 AM   #589
The Professor
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Default Re: iphone 4 just announced.

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Dokk, there's a link on page about colors.
Wanna bet the next rev is funky colors? It makes sense. Makes the design change make a lot of sense, too. Since the hardware is so far ahead of the curve, there's plenty of time to add colors and an OS update.
I don't think they'll do it. Apple's move in recent years has been *away* from bright, flashy things and *toward* minimalist, industrial design. They did the flashy colors years ago with the iMac ... and then they stopped. Their push has been to do a few things and do them well -- don't overwhelm the consumers with too many choices at the top level; just offer a few models make them well.

I was surprised, honestly, to see so many options with the bumpers since they've basically left the colorful accessory market up to 3rd parties.

Anyway, I could be wrong about all that. Based on everything I've seen, though (recently and going all the way back to Steve Jobs's return to the company), I can't see them going beyond black, white, and metal (aluminum and stainless steel, for the time being).

PS, and I think there's going to be an iOS 4.0.1 update on Monday or Tuesday at the latest, which will fix the antenna and possibly the proximity sensor sensitivity (I face-dialed someone yesterday when the phone angled away from my ear). Appleinsider has a story about the software fix:

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