Originally Posted by TheRiddick
I am not absolutely sure, but you can see those in the stadium watching the screens right after goals. What do the screens show, then, save for ads and the crowd? Interestingly enough, we do not see the screen on TV, either.
Goals are allowed to be shown, fouls etc are not. I know because there was a lot of discussion and the rules were made after the worldcup for club teams in 1995 where my team Ajax beat Gremio and a Gremio player got send off because of a replay on the stadion screens. First (and last) time that ever happened.
Let's say I am wrong on this point, no big deal to me, do you agree with both goals being counted when we can clearly see hand balls on TV screens (on the plays themselves, not just replays) and all 4 officials not seeing both? I was saying "Handball!" to myself, before any replays were played, we're talking old, smallish TV screen here without high resolution.
No doubt about some major **** up's by the refs. But it is a fast game on a large pitch with split second decisions, and those old FIFA farts won't allow replays or technical help. You can't blame the ref for all bad calls.
And in case of Fabiano there is absolutely no doubt the ref has seen the handball as he gleefully discussed it with the player right after, smile and all. Who said bribery of refs is dead (in whatever shape/form it takes place)? Actually, Fabiano played handball twice to his advantage, on same play no less, as I pointed out above.
yeah, that was weird and discussed at the Dutch football talkshows, nobody understands.
Ghana will be a tough game without a FIFA/ref playing favorites, but then again Ghana is the only African team left and something tells me the deck is going to be stacked yet again.
I just hope we get a decent ref tomorrow, for a change. Two in a row is brutal, 3 in a row is a kiss of death. FIFA is obviously stacking the deck against USA so far all the while claiming the sport brings people together? I guess only vodka does that.
On the other hand, the FIFA wants to grow in the US, so they might make up for previous ****ups and pick their side.