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Old 06-26-2010, 01:20 AM   #1
Pauly Walnuts
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Default Legally able to smoke 1 year today, Ive learned alot.

Well todays my birthday, which means I have been able to smoke 1 year. Yes im only 19 haha. It took me awhile to get out of the noobie stages and finally find my favorite types and tastes of cigars. Actually, it took me until last week to findout that Cain Maduro Ligero is what does it for me best (so far, I have much tasting to do yet). Over this year Ive also tried all the different bodys of cigars, light to full and full is my favorite for sure. Nothin better than a strong tasty cigar. I have not yet slid down the slope, still workin with my little 50 count humi. I have to say thats about to change lol, my mother bought me a few samplers from CI as a bday gift so thats 25 comin in plus the few I have in my humi already, and im mustering up the cajones to buy a box soon I think haha. Might not be much for some of you afficianados, but its a big deal for me. Well no big news here, just thought I'd share some of the things Ive learned over the year with your guys' help! Thanks for all the knowledge guys, its a great community.
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