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Old 06-24-2010, 12:18 PM   #131
Suck It
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Default Re: Origin of User Names?

Originally Posted by UFPowersmoker320 View Post

UF is were i am a proud alumni

Powers is my last name
Ahhh, I always thought it was like you power-smoked all your cigars.
I can smoke that double corona in twenty minutes, lol.

I hate threads like this, cause mostly people should keep their personal
info to themselves when they are actively breaking the law. But if Tom
can do it, what the hell. There used to be a place called the Ceegar Afishionado
forums, and everybody there was a jag-off, troll-hunting, pack-mentality, low-rent
F*%K. Well, almost everybody. I lost my old handle in a software change, and
when I came back, everybody thought I was somebody else, someone they had
already black-balled out of town. But it wasn't me. So they all started screaming
and jumping up and down on their branches and throwing feces, and I thought,
sheesh, screw this place. Then I went to a forum called Club Stogie, where they
wre supposed to be normal and accepting. My chosen Club Stogie handle was
One Lonely Smoker, cause I was the only one it seemed who thought something
was bad wrong at CA, and I left rather than continue beating my head against the wall.
They accepted me pretty fast at CS, and no one wanted to typy out my handle
when they mentioned my name, they just typed OLS. So I figured when this place
got started, might as well start that way and save folks the trouble.

Last edited by OLS; 06-24-2010 at 12:25 PM.
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