Thread: Ubuntu!
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Old 06-24-2010, 11:54 AM   #103
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Default Re: Ubuntu!

Originally Posted by markem View Post
okay, here's an ubuntu question ...

while I can do this manually, I'm looking for what the "official" or "ubuntu" way to do this.

I've downloaded skype for linux and want to install it, but I can't seem to make the synaptics package manager work with the download (can't point to a local repository). Does anyone know where the official "how to install" docs for skype on linux are located?

I'm spending a few weeks mostly in linux as I do a security analysis of the openssl library, which so far seems quite good. I was using cscope in cygwin under Vista, but it is more convenient to do this under Linux. Since I skype herf a lot, I need skype or I'll have to use different systems for the analysis and skype.

Somehow, having two laptops on the patio while smoking a nice stick seems so like me, but I like to avoid cliches
What extension does the downloaded file have?
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