Thread: Shilala Beads
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Old 06-24-2010, 09:33 AM   #68
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Default Re: Shilala Beads

Originally Posted by Jack1000 View Post
To the folks using these: Did you have heartfelt beads before and find this to be better or was this your first go around with beads? I'm using the HF beads in my vinotemp and a a cooler and they work fine, but I find the claims of total RH stability from these intriguing. Might have to give some a try.
I had a tube of hearfelt beads in a desktop humi for over a year, and was contuinually having to recharge them with distilled water. I bought 1.5 lbs of the HCM beads from Scott for my vino when I bought it almost 2 years ago, and have only had to put a dish of distilled water in there maybe 2 times and it has now been at least a year since i had to do it and the humidity doesn't fluctuate. I also have two travel humis and bought what I thought was going to be one two ounce tube of HCM beads to go in my 36 count, and Scott sent a 2 ounce and a 1 ounce for the price of the 2 ounce. I now have to 1 ounce in my 15 count. I know that the comparison between a desktop and vino isn't apples to apples, but for my money as long as the HCM beads are available I will spend my money on them.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I certainly do not want or need an argument, but Scott Shilala is a stand up guy. When I was trying to figure out what to put in the vino for humidification I called him on the phone and he talked to me for an hour explaining how they worked and why they were better than anything else that is available. So even if Scott has an "interest" in the beads I will still buy them.
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