Thread: Shilala Beads
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Old 06-24-2010, 07:18 AM   #59
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Default Re: Shilala Beads

Originally Posted by Trouble View Post
I am a little confused on how to recharge the beads. Usually I would put them in a bag with a small dish of warm water and let the beads slowly recharge. Reading the site it says that is exactly how you should raise the PH of the beads. I have noticed that my humidor now stays around 68.

How do you charge them without raising the RH?
You don't recharge the Shilala beads like you do the Heartfelt beads. Once they achieve the rh you want that is where they stay until you remove them from that environment. Once you move them to another environment they will try to achieve that ph level. That's why they say to store them in a ziplock back when not in use.

Last edited by lbowles2; 06-24-2010 at 07:24 AM.
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