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Old 06-23-2010, 05:20 PM   #1
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Flor de Gonzalez Green Label robusto

These are a decent mild cigar that can be had at a nice price on the Famous auction site (about $2/stick).

Connecticut wrapper, Nic filler. Well rolled and heavy in the hand. They have a distinct grassy/herbal flavor that some may not like. Although the grassiness is present throughout the cigar, they take on a strong liquor flavor around halfway, like whiskey or scotch, but still remain on the mild side flavor-wise.

They need a nap (2-3 months) at low humidity or they will crack open while smoking. A bit of time does mellow out the grassiness too. These make a good yard 'gar or handout to occasional smokers. Nice for handouts because they are a "premium cigar", and you're not handing your friend a dog rocket.

This company makes several lines, with a few made in Miami and a few made in Nicaragua. The 15th Anniversary line is made in Miami and is a much better cigar, but also much more expensive.
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