Re: Maui Jim Sunglasses
Ive owned several pairs and they are IMO the best lens on the market... the styles leave a bit to be desired, but they are getting better.
Last time around I purchased a pair of Ray Bans instead, and while they were more attractive (and less expensive) they just dont compare to Jims.
My favorite pair are the Flexons (not sure if they make them anymore), however I managed to scratch the glass lens twice. The repair cost is $75 every time you need a new lens because they have to replace both. The Flexon frames were pretty much indestructible though. A bit heavy because of the glass. Had those for 3 or 4 years before scratching the lens a second time and retiring them.
My Waileas were SUPER light, to the point where you dont feel them on. Those broke the nose pads but it was my fault. I have another pair of sports that have an actual hinge... I dont recommend those as the frames arent memory metal like the others and I ended up mangling them up a bit.
The prices are a little steep, but if you take care of them they are a great investment.
"One fart can foul the air for everyone" - Esteemed philosopher
"If avoiding the nasty $hit is being a snob, them I am guilty as charged."- Same esteemed philosopher.