Originally Posted by Ratters
ARs can be real finicky, some jam on the stuff other's handle it just fine. Buy a brick and try it out. You can always sell the rest if it doesn't work for you. Mine doesn't like the stuff but my buddy will bumpfire it all day long through his.
I'm thinking we are coming near the end of the ammo bubble, I'm thinking cases won't drop down to pre-rise prices but should settle in the $250 a case neighborhood. Sure, I'm talking out my ass but I'm still pretty sure I'm right.
BTW, GBF, that is a sweet looking Armalite you got yourself. 
Thanks Ratters. What attracted me to the gun was the camo, never really saw a stock one like it. When I bought it I bought 200 rounds of American Eagle ammo and put 60 rounds through it with no problem when I went to the range. today I picked up 100 rounds of Federal at Wal Mart and will be heading back out to the range tomorrow to put some more rounds through it. I am thinking I will order some PMC online once I run down my small supply and see how that goes.
Author of

eath, Disease, and Life at War: The Civil War Letters of Surgeon James D. Benton, 111th and 98th New York Infantry Regiments, 1862-1865.