Originally Posted by RevSmoke
Before I visited the site, I thought..... That should be in Wisconsin, home of CHEESE.
Then I visited the site... None of the tightwads here would spend that kind of $$ on a grilled cheese sandwich.
We do lots of grilled cheese sandwiches at our house - cost is about $0.65 0 $2.00 a sandwich, depending on what we put in it.
Had a walleye grilled with some 10yr old cheddar the other day. Cost? $2.85. Caught the walleye, batter was cheap, cheddar was more.
How much did it cost in gas, boat, cigars, and drinks to catch that fish?

Just jerkin your chain, brother.

Really, so far as eating out goes, $5.50 for The Kindergarten is dirt cheap.
They use two ounces of cheese on a sammich. It costs a buck for a slice of cheese at most places.
They serve the sandwich with fresh cut fries and sweet slaw, too.
You can't even eat fast food that cheap. (Unless you're strictly dollar menu like me.)