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Old 06-17-2010, 05:37 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Happy Birthday Papajohn67!!!!!

He'd probably kick me in the shins for creating a thread for his Birthday (heck, he doesn't even have it publicly listed here on CA) but I wanted to let everyone know that John's birthday is today.

A veteran himself, John has been endlessly supportive of our troops and has sent literally thousands of dollars worth of stuff overseas to our American warriors in the field. He comes off like an old grump, but John is one of the most humble, genuinely good souls I have ever come to know. I don't know how old John is (I think they officially stop counting after 100) but I hope he's around for many more years.

I am so glad that I have the priveledge of knowing this great man, a true friend, an amazing BOTL, and a hell of a generous soul who we call Papa.

Happy Birthday PapaJohn!!!!!
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