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Old 06-16-2010, 06:21 PM   #101
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Default Re: Motorcycle Thread..

Originally Posted by Resipsa View Post
After 10 years of riding with no incidents, it all ended last night.

Sitting at a red light, minding my own business on my 9, when this 82 year old guy slams into the back of the bike, and pushes me approx 50 feet through a busy intersection before the bike finally dumps. How nobody hit me coming the other way I'll never know.

I actually didn't know how the accident happenned at all. I was sitting there when suddenly, to me, the bike just took off like a bat out of hell, with me hanging on for dear life trying to keep it rubber side down and under control with the bike swinging wildly underneath me. Finally I lost it and down it went, smacking my head pretty hard off of the pavement. Plenty of witnesses who got me out of the middle of the road, and it was only then that I learned what happenned, the guy not only hit me, he was literally pushing me and the bike down the road in front of him. I I had gone down right away he would have just crushed me, just run right over the top of me.

: I had my head gear on, or I'd be gone.

I had a heavy leather motorcycle jacket on, and motorcycle pants which save me from some serious road rash.

I had on heavy leather motorcycle boots, with steel toes. At some point my leg must have been trapped under the bike because on my right boot toe the leather is completely gone, and about half of the steel, just ground right away. If that had been my foot in sneakers, I probably wouldn't have a foot right now.

End of the story, much confusion, police, ambulances, back boad, neck brace, clothes being cut off, iv. drips, x rays, yada yada yada. I'm banged up, my shoulder and left thumb are screwed up, but they've sent me home and it could have been so much worse.

Guys, even if you don't have to wear it, wear your gear.
Wow......that is nuts.

SO happy to hear you are okay Vic. That's just so scary.

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