Originally Posted by OLS
I need to read that, but here is my opinion before knowing any facts...you know, my usual post.
Not that we don't have our own religious whackos here on this continent, but them Is-slammies
are messed up. -----Read article----Ehh, sounds like pandering to me. His country is so chock
full of em that he almost has to play nice. I am sure ours is too, but most of HIS look pissed off
all the time.
Didnt mean to hijack this thread, just thought that the the Future Head of the Church of England pandering to muslims was noteworthy in the context of Britain being out of control.
There are areas of Britain that sharia law prevails. They are going to lose their national identity soon enough, we just happen to be seeing the beginning of it. Editing pictures of people with cigars is just the start. Remember the Buddhist Statues in Afghanistan?
taliban hate statues
Here is the link to the sharia law shenanigans.
sharia law in England