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Old 06-16-2010, 01:14 PM   #15
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: FML, seriously. FML

Auto Claims Manager for many years here.
Are you in Texas?
Texas has diminished value and can be claimed.
However, only from a third party carrier, not yours.

Use a shop recommended by your carrier and guaranteed for life.
If carrier that hit you takes responsibility and has the same referred shop/guaranteed work and is a large carrier, go with theirs if you wish.
Either way, have your work guaranteed by the company. They will have to keep doing it as long as they don't get it right.

On diminished value, I denied all the ones that came across my desk. Reason is it is not different than the stock market and your portfolio. You don't have a darn thing until is is realized. Until you sell your car, no lost value.
If you sell your car now, value is great.
If you keep it for five years and sell it then, your diminished value is a small portion of what it was when new.
It will be a booger to argue but in Texas, much easier than other states.

Good luck.

Glad all are OK.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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