Originally Posted by fhrblig
Just curious, how has your Titan held up? I always thought it was a great truck, but I've heard from some owners that they've been unreliable.
Just about to cross over 60k and no problems so far. I do a lot of offroading during the day (I'm in the construction/engineering business) and during my off hours I'm either working on my house or my cabin (a lot of towing/hauling, some offroading).
I'd say I beat up on a truck as much as anyone could be expected to and its been just peachy....my only complaint is that my yellow lab's fur loves to hang onto the black interior

That and the fact that I'm fairly tall (6'4"), have long legs, and wear loggers boots and I often wish that I had an extra inch or two under the steering column. I never notice it when I'm driving, only when I'm stuck sitting in it for long periods.