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Old 06-13-2010, 09:50 PM   #1
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Finally going to be a Dad!

Well after a bumpy start to trying to start a family my wife is well into her second trimester now. It's been rough for my wife as she has been suffering from hypermesis (sp?) which is when you are allergic to the hormones produced from pregnancy and you basically have morning sickness all day long for most of the pregnancy. She's been a trooper to say the least and it's a good thing woman are responsible for the hard part of reproducing because if it were up to us guys we probably would have been extinct a long time ago. We get to find out what we are having in a couple weeks and we are very excited to finally be starting a family. We don't really care what we are having as long as it is healthy. My wife feels like it will be a boy but I have a feeling we will have a girl. We have names picked out for either sex so it's all good as far as that's concerned. Just figured I would share with the Asylum as I am pretty excited and wanted to share the good news!
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